12 Crafty Days: 3D Snowflakes Garland - Miss Known
We are already 5 days in December. How did this happen? It feels like yesterday was the 1st, time does fly during Christmas. Without further ado let’s focus on the DIY since that is what you are here for. I didn’t want to leave this craft for later because it takes a few hours to do. Although it’s so simple! As you have already seen in the title and the featured image, today is all about snowflakes! I wanted to do something with it and on one of my trips to inspiration land aka Pinterest, I was curious to see what people were doing with snowflakes and garlands. Despite the usual that I was expecting to find, I also cross path with a 3D snowflake that was from eBay or any other site that you can buy it. I was sure I could do it myself, which is all the purpose of DIY, grabbing something that already exists and making it from scratch. After a few hours of playing around with photoshop, I managed to create a snowflake the way I wanted. It doesn’t have a super complicated pattern since it’s already so tiresome to cut them all out. The last thing you want is to spend one hour just for one snowflake. Also, I want to let you know that there are two possible ways to decrease the time on making this DIY. One is recruiting people to work with you or for you if you like. Or if you have a Cricut and know how to convert a PDF to a file compatible with the machine, which I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, I don’t own one but would love it. Who knows maybe Santa thinks of me when he goes out shopping. Before starting this DIY, you need to know that every PDF is in A4 size, the big snowflakes file makes 7 3D snowflakes and the small snowflakes file makes 14. With this amount, you can do a simple pattern, for each two small one big and so on. You can also print more than one sheet of each and double it while keeping the same pattern. Supplies: White cardstock 270g/m2 (use something thicker than paper to be more steady although this can depend on your printer) Snowflakes Templates (Small and Big) Needle White Tread Craft Knife Step 1. Print out the PDFs on the cardstock and...
Miss Known