- Category: In Review -

  • Book One of Us is Lying laying on a record player.

    In Review: One of Us is Lying

    You know those books you want to read, you buy them, but in the process, you never get to learn what the story is about? Do you know the ones? Well, One of Us is…

  • Book The Book of You in the Potuguese edition standing next to a record player.

    In Review: The Book of You

    For the second time this year, I found a book that exceeded my expectations and gave me a great reading experience. The Book of You by Claire Kendal was in my TBR for a year…

  • Holding the books Iluminae and Gemina next to each other.

    In Review: Illuminae and Gemina

    Last year I read one of the books I was most excited to pick up. A story told differently. Illuminae by Amy Kaufman and Jay Kristoff immediately went to my wish list once I discovered…

  • Holding the three books in The Hunger Games series.

    The Hunger Games Trilogy Review

    The Hunger Games. A series that doesn’t need any introduction. Some people read the books, others watched the movies, and many did both. I did none. I was aware of the basic story behind The…

  • Picking up a book from various stacks of books.

    Project TBR Zero

    After a particularly spectacular reading month back in June (you can read more about it in this post), I felt I could conquer the reading world. I saw how much I could accomplish if I…

  • The book laied on top of a light brown fur against a white background.

    In Review: In a Dark Dark Wood

    The best time of the year has come once again. The air is getting colder, and the days are shorter. The prime cosy time is upon us, and nothing like a chilling and dark mystery…

  • Holding the book with a bookshelf in the background.

    In Review: And Then There Were None

    And Then There Were None is not the first Agatha Christie book I read. Although it is the first one I completely fell in love with. It can be tricky to read her books. They…

  • Flatlay of a small stack of books with a Kindle with a fullcolouredimage of "Edokko" cover.

    In Review: Edokko

    Happy April Fools’ Day!! Despite today being a day you can’t trust anything people say, trust me, I’ll not be pulling any pranks on you. *wink* *wink* Now that I’ve taken all the jokes out…

  • In Review: Good Omens

    I know I’m late to the party, but… Good Omens… Oh my… Good Omens. Is. Such. A. Good. Show! I know everyone already say this, but I never truly believed it until I saw it…

  • Flatlay of the stack of books tilting on top of each other.

    Reading the Last Books I Bought

    022 is going to be the year of experiments! I’m still a fairly new reader, and I want to venture myself more and discover what I like, what I don’t like, and how I like…

  • Photo of the book cover dysplaid on a kindle.

    In Review: Capsule

    The start of a new year means new books. Although I can’t begin reviewing the books I already read in 2022 without closing the chapter of the ones I read last year. And Capsule by…

  • Front cover of Contagion by Teri Terry.

    In Review: Contagion

    As the name suggests, this book has everything to be a terrifying read during the time we are living in. Although it’s not. Despite the name, Contagion by Teri Terry has little to no similarities…