Fake Terrarium in a Jar - Miss Known
At the moment, I have 7 plants in my office and in the process to get a couple more. And, as if this wasn’t enough work, I want to get a bunch of flowers to decorate my balcony. As much as I love to care for all these plants and watch them grow, it’s nice to have a couple of fake ones. They always look the same, you don’t need to remember when was the last time you water them, and they will never die (bonus points!). This DIY comes from a shopping trip to the supermarket. They had those little jars with fake succulents inside really simple and was about 3€. Well, your girl here thought “I’m not going to buy that when I can easily make my own”. In reality, making this DIY didn’t get any cheaper, although I got to choose everything that went inside it. I understand some people wouldn’t go through the trouble of making one, but I really do enjoy spending time crafting, and I don’t mind to spend the extra few euros for the pleasure of making it with my bare hands. I ended up spending more money, because of the fake plants that I had to buy. The remaining of the materials I found them at home. The jar was from something I bought a long time ago and never throw it out. The glue is never something that is missing in my house. I might not have eggs for an omelette, but I’m sure I’ll have glue. And the rocks are from my garden. I had to sieve them to get the smaller ones and clean them out, but it’s worth the work to save money. And even if you don’t have rocks in your garden, I’m sure you can find them somewhere else near you for free. Supplies: Clear Jar (with/out lid) White/Wood Glue Fake plants Small sized Rocks Paper Raffia (optional) Step 1: Start by cleaning the rocks to make sure they stick together. If you bought them just give a little wash with some dish soap and set them aside all spread out to dry. OR If you, like me, grab them from your garden, pre-wash them to get off any dirt and then leave them covered in bleach for a couple of hours. This way you get rid of any fungus or algae the stones might have....
Miss Known