In Review: Ready Player One - Miss Known
It’s been almost two and a half months since I read and saw Ready Player One and I’m finally ready to talk about it. I’m sure you know the feeling of loving a story so much and being so invested in the world and the characters that it hurts. You just want to read it all, no matter if it’s getting to the end because you only care about knowing the whole story. And then… BAM! A punch right in the feelings. There isn’t anything else to discover, no more story. Then you realise the world is not real, the characters aren’t real, and that real life sucks, now you are upset. And it gets painful to remember that nothing is real. So, instead of keep crawling back inside the book, I prefer to move on and then, after a while, I can talk non stop about it without any problems. For the first time, I’m doing a joined review. I’m reviewing the movie and also the book in one post. Since, for me, they complement each other to make the story even better, it didn’t make sense to do two separated posts. So, I’m sorry about this massive post. I still kept both reviews separated and with the respective spoilers apart as well because there isn’t anything worse than getting spoiled unintentional. The year is 2044, the world is turned completely upside down. There is poverty, hunger, wars, and diseases, it’s a dreadful place to live in. Although, Wade spends his days inside the OASIS as most people do. It’s a virtual utopia where you can be everything you want, live, work, play, and even fall in love with in the multiple worlds. When Halliday, the creator of OASIS, suddenly dies, he leaves behind his massive fortune and also the future of his virtual paradise to the person who can find the Easter Egg he has hidden in the game. This announcement induces a mass treasure hunt throughout the entire OASIS. Several years later, still without any results, Wade is the first one to discover the first clue, and suddenly the whole world is back again in the rush of the hunt. But friendly competition is something that isn’t in the vocabulary of some players, and they might even be ready to take care of the competition in the real world. At that moment Wade realises the only way...
Miss Known