In Review: The 100 - Miss Known
My relationship with The 100 started off in 2014 shortly after the conclusion of the first season. I was series-less, and a friend recommended me to watch it, and I binged the all thing in two days (just because I had to sleep). Although, I can’t remember when did I become aware the show was based on a book by Kass Morgan. Since then, all I ever wanted to do was to pick up the book. However, you don’t need to do much research to discover that both stories mostly have the name in common and nothing else. And this was a risk for me. I was completely in love with the TV series, and I didn’t want to lose that love for finding the books better or the other way around. Bottom line, I didn’t want the story of one influenced my opinion on the other. So, even after buying the first book, I kept it in my shelf untouched until the right moment came. Somehow that moment came this year. If you follow the TV series you know the show has just finished it’s 5th season, and it was one of the craziest and bloodiest ever. Well, it started to piss me off! I was not even halfway through the season when the story wasn’t what I wanted to see anymore, it wasn’t The 100 I fell in love with. In that moment of dismay, I saw the perfect opportunity to grab the book, and it was the best decision. Author: Kass Morgan Publisher: Little, Brown and Company Year: 2013 Pages: 323 Ever since a devastating nuclear war, humanity has lived on spaceships far above Earth’s radioactive surface. Now, one hundred juvenile delinquents – sentenced to death – are being sent on a dangerous mission: to recolonise the planet. It could be their second chance at life…or it could be a suicide mission. Among the one hundred prisoners there is Clarke, arrested for treason, though she’s haunted by the memory of what she really did; Wells, the chancellor’s son, goes to Earth for the girl he loves; the reckless Bellamy, who fought his way onto the transport pod to protect his sister, the only pair of siblings in the universe; and Glass, who managed to escape back onto the spaceship, only to find that life in the space colony is just as dangerous as she feared it would...
Miss Known