In Review: We Can Be Mended - Miss Known
On one peaceful day, I was scrolling down my Twitter like I enjoy doing every morning. When I was giving up and put down my phone, one little thing caught my attention: a tweet from Carve The Mark Books. They were asking for everyone who hasn’t received their copy of We Can Be Mended to send them the confirmation email from the pre-order of Carve The Mark. I just jump out of bed, grab my computer and went to my email account to do what they were asking. Over a month had passed and my hope was fading away. I thought for some reason I wasn’t going to get it. But that glorious morning I got thrilled with excitement and filled with hope again. It was on the end of that same day my mother sent me a picture of the book. He had finally come!! I was in heaven!! So the email I send didn’t do anything. Before going into my thoughts about We Can Be Mended, I just want to live here something I wrote even before receiving Carve The Mark – which happened 3 weeks before. I was searching on Twitter about it and a few people already had received their copy sooo… I was spoiled and also got a bit disappointed with people: Veronica is great and, advertising strategies aside, she did a sequel for Divergent series and yet people say really mean thing to her. I hope she’s getting lovely reviews as well because it makes me really sad when people cross the line between giving a negative critic and being awful. If you didn’t like the book just say you were expecting more or a different turn of events don’t go to twitter saying she’s awful and she ruined the series. First, you can’t speak on behalf of every fan, that is your thought of the book and other people might disagree with you and second there are a lot of ways to say you didn’t like it, there’s no need to be aggressive. My first impression when I got to put my hands on it was… how small it was! I wasn’t expecting something big but also not this small. The number of pages isn’t the only thing small, the size is too. Just for you to get an idea it’s around A5 size (16.5 x 23.4 in) and has 33 pages full...
Miss Known