Instagrammers you Should Follow - Miss Known
This past weekend I took some time to clear-up my Instagram follows. It got to a point where I was following almost 450 people, and no one can see that many accounts and don’t miss out on someone. Since I usually don’t spend too much time scrolling down my Instagram feed and since they decided to change it from the chronological order, I want to minimize the great photos I would miss out. So I had to do the lamest task ever. I opened one by one and saw how was the account feed. If it pleased my eyeballs, I would keep it. I know it sounds superficial, but Instagram is where I go to find inspiration, so I want my feed to be all about pretty things. While I was starting to regret the idea, I realized that a few of the accounts I didn’t have to open and see what they were posting because I already knew what they usually post. Then I realized they are the first person I would recommend to follow on Instagram if a friend asked me to. Therefore, you are my friend, so I’m going to break down my top favorite accounts that make Instagram my place for inspiration. Just a heads up, I’m not a photography expert (clearly), so if my descriptions don’t make any sense, I’m sorry in advance. For me, they make sense and are the only way I can describe them. The following Instagrammers are not in any order. So don’t think the first is more important than the last (or vice versa) because it’s not. @onepleasentday Carrie Carrie transformed the way I see photography. She can take standard everyday-situations and turn them into beautiful photos. I love the color treatment, and I wish to know her secret so bad! Also, she has a blog where she shares her life and much more beautiful photos. If you want a simple and lifestyle(ish) oriented Instagram, she’s the girl to follow. @audriestorme Audrie Storme She is also a Youtuber and blogger but the first time I heard of her was throw Instagram. Her pics are more of a darker shade but still have gorgeous pics. She has a bohemian style that inspires me to change my entire wardrobe. You can follow her travels and everyday life always with the same relaxed vibe. @oh.eight.oh.nine Tarina Lyell For interior lovers, Tarina is your...
Miss Known