June Wrap-Up - Miss Known
Is it just me or just yesterday we were starting the month of June? I’m starting to get really confused about the time. Maybe is the summer vacations starting that is messing up my mind or just life distracting me all the time. Either way, June is long gone and we are already in July… But seriously I fell like just a week ago, I wrote my May Wrap-Up and now I’m here writing the June one. All of this is making my brain hurt, so it’s better if I start this wrap-up. Unlike the past couple of months, I actually have two books to haul. It’s so exciting receiving new books in the mail, I can’t get enough of it. New books always fell like a loaf of fresh air coming to your bookshelf. This time what really made to spend a few euros on Book Depository* was a 10% discount over the already small prices, I couldn’t let it slide. When I discover that one of the Agatha Christie‘s books they had was a story that I was looking for years now, I knew I couldn’t miss the chance. And Then There Were None is actually one of Agatha’s stories that are doing a coming back for reasons unknown to me. What I wasn’t expecting is that I’ve seen many time this story being re-told with different characters. Since the first time I ever saw this story, I became obsessed with the idea of different people being invited to a private island and then someone getting killed making everyone a suspect. I’m so happy to finally know who wrote the original story and better having the book to read. And also because I don’t have any self-control, I couldn’t just buy one book. I mean I’m not a monster… So the smartest choice was to choose a Rainbow Rowell book, it’s always a safe bet and for sure I’m going to have a great time. If my memory isn’t playing tricks, there were two books by her, Attachments and Eleanor and Park. I choose the second one which is a favourite among the Rowell fans. And finally, I will be able to try and guess what are the final words that Elenor says to Park. Wrap-Up Well, I have to confess that I completely forgot my TBR for this month. I’m not even joking. I only finished reading...
Miss Known