Mosta Anticipated Releases of 2018 (January-March) - Miss Known
With the New Year also comes new releases and new books that make you jump and scream with excitement. But there is always one problem. As the time passes by, new books came out that instantaneously go to our most wanted list that you don’t even know were coming out later this year. So instead of saying “here, these are my most anticipated reads so far” I rather divide it into 4 different posts for each trimester of the year. I even thought of been like “most anticipated reads of winter” or spring, but the seasons don’t match the start of a new calendar and I would have to talk about books that have already come out last year. Bottom line, I will talk you through my most anticipated books (and a few honourable mentions) with the release date from January to March. This is actually a little frustrating since there is at least one book that is on my radar and it’s only out for the second trimester of the year – so I’ll speak about it on my next post. January A few of these books have already come out earlier this month but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t excited about them. The first I need to talk about is Meet Cute. This is a collection of short stories from various YA authors that everyone is raving about. I don’t even remember what exactly made me want to read this book. The last time I read something similar to this (Let It Snow) I wasn’t the biggest fan of how inconsistent the book turns out to be. You might love the writing style of one author and on the next, you can hate it. Although, having a book filled with cute little romantic stories should be great to escape the real world for a moment. Meet Cute, various authors – publication date: 2nd January Up next is You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone. I was taking an Epic Reads quiz when this book popped up as allegedly should be my next read. I often don’t believe in quizzes to tell me what I should do next, but they are fun to take. Despite everything, the cover is beautiful which helped to spark my curiosity for this book. We follow around two very ambitious twin sisters that have so little in common. One wants to become a viola soloist...
Miss Known