Presenting Blogmas & Bookmas 2017 - Miss Known
* This post might contain affiliated links. To know more visit my Disclaimer page. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and, once you know it, you have flown by from the 1st of December to the 25th. So I’m always looking for ideas to make those 24 days the must magical. On the last two years, I’ve tried to post every day until Christmas (back on my old blog) but it takes a crazy amount of time, preparation and creativity to come up with 24 different ideas. I prefer quality over quantity so I decided to give it a twist. I’m still be going to post every day, but it will be different types of content. From the 1st to the 23rd (only the odd days) I’ll be posting DIYs and from the 2nd to the 24th (only the even days) it will be posting reading updates for my Christmas readathon. So I’m doing 12 Crafts Till Christmas and reading 12 Books Till Christmas. This way I can read books Christmas related or set in winter and still have DIYs to do without being overwhelmed by it. The 12 Crafts Till Christmas This time of the year is when people get more crafty. Maybe the rainy days and the family afternoons bring up the creators inside each one of us. Whatever the reason is, I want to share 12 crafts I’m doing this Christmas to decorate the house. If everything goes according to plan only the first and the last post won’t be a DIY but it will be 100% Christmas related. If you can’t do them this year in time for Christmas you can always take it as inspiration or save them for next year. So far I’m really excited and happy how they are turning out. All of them are easy to do, but some can take time. Just put a Christmas movie on, call your family, and put everyone working on the decor. I’m going to try and organize the posts “chronologically”, for example, ornaments on the first week and decoration for the dining table for last. I won’t reveal anything about them because on the first post it will have a glimpse of the majority. The 12 Books Till Christmas To fulfil the rest of the days, I decided to try a readathon of my own. From December 1st to the 24th I’m expecting...
Miss Known