Reading Week: OWLs #2 - Miss Known
Another week of reading books for the OWLs 2020 is done. It wasn’t as productive as the first one, but I’m still reading and that’s all that matter. Wednesday, 8th April 2020 Last night, I entered the third and last part of Pachinko. The book is divided into three parts, each one sort of following each generation, and now I’m in the final round. This part is going to focus mostly on male perspectives, and I’m not excited about it. The characters that I’ve been loving are going to stay in the back and the ones that are being pushed forward I’m not as connected with. I hope this doesn’t affect my enjoyment. And day three of yoga complete. I have to say that it’s a challenge to try and do yoga or any other type of exercise with a bunny hopping around, jumping on top of you, and sniffing your ears. As funny as it is to hear a bunny breath is very ticklish. What I’m found most difficult with the exercises is the lack of traction I have on my feet. I don’t have a yoga mat and lay down on the hardwood floor is not comfortable. So either if I’m using a rug or a thick throw my feet and hands slide off. It’s really annoying me, but nothing like a sniff in my ear to make me laugh and forget about it. With today’s post finally published, I can concentrate on watching the new episode of The Halcyon, a miniseries set in a hotel in London during WW2 and reading Pachinko. Thursday, 9th April 2020 I should have been reading, but I just wasted my entire afternoon watching Youth by You. Have been seeing a lot of recommendations on YouTube about this Chinese talent show because Lisa, from Blackpink, is a judge. And then I did something stupid… I watched one video. I usually don’t enjoy talent shows that much but I couldn’t stop this time. I need to go read at least a few pages to shake off the guilt. Friday, 10th April 2020 Last night, I ended up finishing Pachinko. It wasn’t the end I was hoping for, but that’s totally my fault to want the book to be something it wasn’t. I loved this book to pieces. I loved the characters. I loved how it made me curious to learn more about Korean...
Miss Known