Welcome Autumn - Miss Known
Yesterday was officially the first day of Autumn which makes me so happy. The trees are changing from the intense and alive green to a delicate fiery colour. What I must enjoy is the step-by-step change we see until winter which gives us time to prepare ourselves to get cosy and layer up before went outside. Speaking of it, sweaters, big scarves, bobble hats and boots are finally back! And with them came along my birthday and Halloween for next month, I might not celebrate it since high school but I will always remember as the best memories of my friends and the time we all spent together. To end the year there is also another exciting celebration: Christmas!! Oh my… I love Christmas so much but that is for another post. Don’t ask me why but with the days getting smaller it gives me a huge pleasure wake up before the sun and watch the sunrise while working or having breakfast. (FYI I prefer to watch the sunrise rather than the sunset). Another habit I am trying is to be an early bird, the days will seem much bigger and more productive. instead of wake up at 9 am (when I don’t have any classes) wake up at 6 or half past 6. I mean wake up not stand up because I need my time to get cosy and warm up because is cold and I slept with my arm outside of the blanket (typical me). This reminds me of something I enjoy doing every autumn/winter set the alarm clock to an early day – the same hour as you do to work or school but over the weekend when you can sleep until midday – when you wake up you will feel the same as in the others day: sleepy wishing for more 5 minutes (or maybe 10, 15, 20…), mad because you know you have to go and say goodbye to your pillow and cold(this is the one I find more challenging). Under the blanket, your body was producing heat all night long which stayed under the blanket so the room temperature is so damn cold! It’s like if you left an open window and the winter entered to your room the only thing left is snow! I understand your pain and you think every morning “only if I didn’t have to go”. So set your alarm clock for a normal...
Miss Known